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8 great education podcasts to try this year

Educators are short on time, but these education podcasts are well worth the investment

Who doesn’t love a good podcast? True crime, self-improvement, history, finance–there’s something for everyone. And if you’re looking for new education podcasts to start your year off right, you’re in luck.

Are you searching for new edtech inspiration? Looking to find examples of innovation in districts across the country? Maybe you just need a little motivation during virtual or hybrid learning. Check out the following education podcasts to see which one (or two, or three..) piques your interest.

[Editor’s note: Descriptions are taken from podcast sites. Editors have not reviewed podcasts for content.]

1. The House of #EdTech: The House of #EdTech is an edtech podcast that explores how technology is changing the way teachers teach and the impact that technology is having in education. Host Chris Nesi’s objectives include discussing the technology that is changing our classrooms and schools and sharing information you can hear about today and use tomorrow. Nesi talks to teachers, leaders, and creators like you and has them share their stories.

2. Getting There: Innovation in Education: Kevin Hogan, editor-at-large for eSchool News, speaks with district leaders as they share successes while managing school tech in the midst of the COVID crisis. Hogan is an acclaimed writer, editor, and commentator covering the intersection of society and technology, especially education technology.

3. 10 Minute Teacher: The 10 Minute Teacher, by Vicki Davis, is a 5-day-a-week podcast that will help you become a more remarkable teacher who inspires children to learn and grow. The 10 Minute Teacher is your 10-minute PD breakaway! You can become a more remarkable educator in just ten minutes a day. You could be on your way to work, at the gym, or washing dishes. Whenever you listen, the best and brightest educators and idea creators from around the world will inspire you.

4. Truth for Teachers: Angela Watson’s teacher podcast, Truth for Teachers, is designed to speak life, encouragement, and truth into the minds and hearts of educators.

5. The Wired Educator: Kelly Croy is the Director of Innovation and Instruction at Port Clinton City School District in Port Clinton, Ohio. Kelly hosts the popular Wired Educator Podcast where he interviews amazing educators & educational authors from around the world and shares their stories to help teachers level-up and make a difference in the lives of students.

6. TeachThought: The TeachThought Podcast delivers thoughtful heterodox conversations and ideas to help educators think about their craft and better prepare learners for the modern world.

7. School Psyched Podcast: The School Psyched Podcast covers resilience, trauma-informed care, school psychologist burnout, preparing students for life transitions, and more.

8. Teachers Talking Tech: Mike, Eric, and Marie talk about technology in the elementary classroom. Each episode is short, so that you can get some ideas and insight quickly and in a fun way.

Laura Ascione