The future of gamification

Using traditional and AI-supported gamification, teachers can make learning a captivating journey of discovery for students

In the past decade, students have been inundated with more and more distractions. The internet provides an infinite amount of said distractions: YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok to name a few. … Read More

Envisioning the personalized edtech of tomorrow

Here's why a personalized and lifelong learning solution is the future of education--and edtech in particular

Before the pandemic, the trend for more personalized, learner-centric experiences in education already existed—the resulting lockdowns merely accelerated digital transformation, which continues to gain momentum across industries.

Technology’s key role in personalization and differentiation

It can be a struggle to meet all the demands placed on K-12 education--pairing personalized learning and social-emotional supports meets several needs at once

Editor’s note: This blog post originally appeared on CoSN’s blog and is reposted here with permissions. Part of a Blog Series from the Emerging Technologies Committee Leveraging Technology for Improving School … Read More

3 simple strategies to supercharge student growth

Differentiating instruction helps educators create an environment where each student can learn and thrive at their own pace

Any teacher hoping to meet their students where they are and help them grow into active learners cannot rely on a one-size-fits-all method of instruction. Differentiation must play a key role in their teaching philosophy.

How AI enhances personalization in education

AI can play a role in making personalization more robust in education, along with transforming the student learning experience

Learning now is so much more than making notes from a textbook and critiquing other people’s ideas. It is cultivating your own vision of the future and how things can be improved to better our lives and advance the next generation