4 ways schools can prepare for the future of e-learning

Learn how one district is prioritizing student learning by focusing on strengthening its approach to e-learning

The pandemic has struck the education system especially hard as schools had to swiftly adjust operations to fit within a remote learning environment. Now, as many schools take the summer months to map out a plan and prepare for the start of a new school year come September, administrations are … Read More

How IT can take distance learning to the next level

Distance learning demands that districts close technology gaps and ensure teachers—and students—are equipped for a virtual world

Last spring, school districts rushed to transition to distance learning as quickly as possible to protect the health and safety of students, teachers and staff. Now, schools are reflecting on what worked, what didn’t, and how these learnings can be applied to prepare for safe and effective learning this fall. … Read More

Lessons and leadership during the switch to online learning

School leaders are tasked with ensuring students have equitable access to the tools and connectivity required to make online learning possible

Two months after the COVID-19 crisis forced educators across the United States to leave their classrooms and start teaching online, the scope of the changes and challenges has now become clear, and educational leaders have started to identify what’s working and what still needs improvement. During a recent edLeader Panel, … Read More

Virtual learning can’t succeed without digital skills training

Even when students have devices and internet connections, they must have training to develop the digital skills necessary to make virtual learning a success

As we enter into a new school year, two things are certain. First, the experience for every member of the extended school community – students, educators, families, school officials, and staff – will be profoundly changed this fall. Second, learning for many students will take the form of full-time or part-time virtual learning outside of the classroom.

4 ways to support students during online learning

Online learning swept across the country in early 2020, but it isn't without its hurdles--here's how to help students navigate their new reality

Online learning can both hinder and hold back a child. During this past year, educators and students across the country have grappled with how to adapt to online learning challenges.

Sustaining online learning during COVID-19

It's quite possible that remote learning will be necessary in the fall--here's how to navigate online learning during COVID-19

When Project Tomorrow surveyed students in 2015 about what they envision schools will look like in 2020, one student described school as being the place where there would be more educational videos, online class discussions, online games, and texting between teachers and students. Everyone would have their tablet or laptop. … Read More

What the pandemic has revealed about digital equity

Digital equity remains a persistent challenge in districts, and its problems are compounded by distance learning necessitated by COVID-19

Before COVID-19, home internet access for all students was a goal—one that some districts even thought they had achieved. But the pandemic and forced distance learning have exposed a plethora of inequities in schools that many district leaders now see as issues they must address. In the edWebinar “Digital Equity … Read More

How 1:1 provides digital equity during COVID-19

COVID-19 has shed light on digital equity gaps across the nation--here's how one district's 1:1 program helped it prepare for online learning

Digital equity, as defined by ISTE, involves “making sure students have equal access to technology like devices, software, and the internet, and that they have trained educators to help them navigate those tools.” But creating digital equity has historically been a challenge for many school districts – especially those with … Read More

Did you know online learning can lead to equity?

Virtual learning opportunities break down the walls in our educational environment and help more students prepare for post-graduation success

Until all students are treated equally and given access to similar educational resources, we have little chance of achieving equality in K-12 schools. Ultimately, students must have the tools and resources they need not only to graduate, but to be prepared for post-high school success. Related content: 5 things you … Read More

Technology in rural schools: Addressing digital equity

Digital equity is a challenge across the nation, especially in rural schools--but efforts are underway to increase connectivity

The goal of digital equity is to ensure that all students have access to devices, high-speed internet, and opportunities to learn both in school and out. While digital equity is a challenge for all school districts, Dr. Beth Holland, CoSN’s digital equity and rural project director, points out that it … Read More